How Can I Be Sure I’m Making the Right Decision for My Pregnancy?
Deciding how to handle your unplanned pregnancy is one of the most significant decisions you will make in your life. Whatever you choose will be life-altering, so you need to make a confident choice.
Remember, only you can make this decision. No one should manipulate or force you to make one choice over another. Look to your future, counsel with others, and get as much information as possible on your options.
What Are My Options?
You have three options: have an abortion, make an adoption plan, or choose to parent. Each one of these choices impacts your future. Do some research before deciding.
Have an Abortion
Abortion is your only option to end your pregnancy. If you are considering an abortion, learn about the procedures, side effects, and potential physical and emotional risks.
How far along you are in your pregnancy determines the type of abortion procedure you qualify for. You will know the exact number of weeks through an ultrasound.
Although every woman’s abortion experience is unique, be aware of the potential physical side effects can be, but are not limited to, heavy bleeding and painful contractions. You should also discuss your current mental health with your healthcare provider. Abortion heightens mental health problems in at least some women.
Make an Adoption Plan
If you feel unprepared to raise your child, placing them for adoption is one parenting option. Choosing adoption is emotionally challenging. You must receive thorough adoption counseling from a reputable, licensed adoption professional.
Today, the expectant mother or birth mother makes all of the decisions. She selects the couple who will raise her child and the future she hopes her child will have.
By selecting the type of adoption plan (open, semi-open, or closed), she also determines how much contact she wants with her child and their adoptive family. Finding an adoption coordinator who will not manipulate you but will offer comprehensive adoption counseling is vital.
Choosing to Parent
You need to ask yourself some hard questions if you’re thinking about parenting. Where will you and your child live? Will you have the support of your partner or your parents? Can you complete your education or continue to work while raising your child?
It may seem impossible to consider parenting, but unplanned doesn’t mean impossible. Being a parent does require a tremendous amount of discipline, hard work, and love. Our social workers can help you find additional community resources like housing, medical care, and government services.
How Can Soundview Pregnancy Services Help Me?
Our caring and knowledgeable social workers help you navigate challenging and stressful situations. Soundview does not, nor does the independent, onsite medical office, refer or provide abortion services. However, we will provide factual information on abortion procedures, side effects, and possible physical and emotional risks.
We are also not a child-placing agency, but we can refer you to adoption professionals. We’ll be happy to answer adoption questions and explain the adoption process.
Contact us for more information about the services available to you. We also provide free material assistance and parenting classes taught by Licensed Nurse Educators and trained advocates.
Only you can determine what’s best for your pregnancy and future. We’re here to help you determine your next steps. Schedule a free and confidential appointment to talk with us. We’re here for you.
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.
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