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Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

*Disclaimer: Please note that all information shared in this page correlates with the date it has been posted. Although, we work diligently to assure all information shared is up to date, we suggest visiting or scheduling an appointment with a medical professional to review regulation changes and current restrictions. Thank you.*


A pregnancy decision can be scary and overwhelming. It can often feel like it’s a decision best made alone. It is important to remember that your partner is just as impacted by this process as you are and it can be helpful to get his input. 

You are not alone as you navigate your unplanned pregnancy and you are so much stronger than you know!

Sharing the News

You can begin a  conversation with your partner by sharing your thoughts, feelings and concerns,rather than simply stating the option you’re considering. Beginning with your “why” will mentally prepare you both to consider the reasons you are thinking about abortion. 

Try to eliminate all distractions and focus on your conversation.  Choose a time and quiet location that allows you both to speak openly.

Listen to Your Partner’s Input

Your partner’s thoughts and feelings matter. Try listening to his questions and concerns. He may want to parent or develop an adoption plan. Perhaps he is concerned about the physical, emotional or spiritual risks of abortion.

Although the final decision is ultimately yours, let your partner know that his opinion is important to you.

Protect Your Safety

It is crucial to think of your well-being throughout this process. If you feel unsafe talking with your partner about your unplanned pregnancy, discuss your options with someone that you trust. 

Confide in a friend,family member or counselor. It is strongly recommended that you talk to at least one other trusted person before making your decision.

Receive Extra Support

It’s essential to be fully informed before making any medical decision. You deserve to know what is involved in the various abortion procedures, the risks associated with abortion, and alternatives to abortion.

We are here to talk about your options so that you can ask questions and be heard. Abortion is a difficult decision, but it’s your decision. Reach out to us today to set up a free and confidential pregnancy confirmation appointment.

We offer accurate medical information and diagnostic ultrasounds in a safe and confidential space to assist women in understanding all of their options, so they feel confident in their decision. 

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