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4 Tips for an Unplanned Pregnancy

You’ve taken a pregnancy test and it came back positive — Now what?

No woman dreams of experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. However, despite all of the fears and worries you may have in the face of that positive pregnancy test, it’s important to remember you’re not alone, and you have choices regarding your pregnancy!

Here at Soundview Pregnancy Services, we’re passionate about walking alongside women facing unexpected pregnancies. Not only do we provide free pregnancy services and resources, but we also offer a safe and confidential place for you to process your fears and learn more about your options.

So before you panic, here are our four tips for navigating an unplanned pregnancy:

1. Confirm your pregnancy and get an ultrasound

Before you start playing out the worst-case scenarios in your head, you’ll want to confirm that you’re actually pregnant. Even though you’ve already taken a pregnancy test at home, you’ll want to take a lab-quality test to get the most accurate results.

If your test is positive, you’ll need to schedule an appointment for an ultrasound. The ultrasound will determine how far along you are, where your pregnancy is located, and whether it is viable and has a heartbeat. These details are crucial to understanding your pregnancy options, including abortion, as the stage of your pregnancy will impact the type of procedure you are eligible for.

2. Confide in a trusted friend

Many women report feelings of isolation and shame during unplanned pregnancies. Those feelings may be keeping you from sharing about your pregnancy with a trusted friend or family member. However, it’s important to remember that so many women have walked in your shoes and understand what you’re going through. Making a decision about your pregnancy is a difficult task. Sharing your fears and worries with a trusted companion will help you navigate these difficult waters.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your friends or family members about your pregnancy, we’re here for you! Soundview’s trained counselors are here to provide a listening ear, answer any questions you have, and provide you with a list of resources related to your pregnancy options!

3. Consider all your options

It’s normal to have fears and worries when things don’t go as planned, especially with something as big as an unplanned pregnancy. After you’ve confirmed your pregnancy and shared with a trusted friend, it’s time to take an honest look at all of your options.
The choice between abortion, adoption, and parenting is rarely an easy one to make; however, the more information and knowledge you have, the more freedom you will feel in making a decision. Here at Soundview Pregnancy Services, we’re passionate about providing resources, information, and space free of judgment and pressure. We believe each woman should be empowered to make the best choice for herself and her future.  Learn more about your pregnancy options.

Take your time making a decision

It might be tempting to rush into making a choice; however, remember, like all significant decision-making processes, it’s okay to take time to consider which option is best for you. Regardless of your decision, what you decide to do will have an impact on your future, and it’s essential to take time to gather the information you need and consider the resources in front of you.
If you’re experiencing pressure from a family member or parent, pause and recognize your true desires outside of those influences. This is your decision to make and you should ultimately feel empowered to choose what’s best for you.

Schedule a Free Appointment

Contact us to schedule a free appointment at Soundview Pregnancy Services today!

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