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What is an Ultrasound?

An ultrasound is a diagnostic tool that allows medical providers to obtain critical information about your body’s internal structures, diagnose certain conditions, and more. During pregnancy, an ultrasound produces images of your reproductive organs and the developing embryo or fetus.

Two types of ultrasounds are used during pregnancy. The first type, an abdominal ultrasound, is noninvasive. A gel is applied to your abdomen, and the transducer is guided over this area of your body.

The second, a transvaginal ultrasound, is invasive because the transducer is inserted gently into your vagina. This type of ultrasound is performed during the earliest stages of pregnancy because it creates the most precise images.

Why Do I Need An Ultrasound?

If you’ve received a positive pregnancy test, you may think that’s all you need to start considering your options. But more information should be given about your pregnancy.

An ultrasound medically confirms your pregnancy by identifying the following things:

  • Location: Is your pregnancy located in the uterus? Some women experience an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the fertilized egg implants in a location other than the uterus (i.e., fallopian tube, cervix). If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you’ll need immediate medical treatment.
  • Viability: Is your pregnancy developing, and does it have a heartbeat? As many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, which can require monitoring or treatment.
  • Gestational age: How far along are you? Your gestational age can determine your pregnancy options (e.g., medical abortion is FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation).


Whether you’re considering abortion, adoption, or parenting, you should receive an ultrasound to safeguard your health and learn more about your pregnancy.

Free, Confidential ultrasounds

Soundview provides access to ultrasounds by referral. If you meet specific eligibility criteria and have received a positive pregnancy test result. This medical service and others can be offered through onsite, independent medical professionals.

Schedule a no-cost and confidential appointment today to learn more about your eligibility for an ultrasound. The onsite, independent medical office will confirm your potential pregnancy with medical-grade testing and discuss your next steps.


Soundview is a non-profit 501c3 and does not benefit financially from your pregnancy decisions. All medical services are provided by referral to independent onsite medical professionals at no cost to you. Soundview does not, nor does the independent onsite medical office, refer or provide abortion services. Soundview does not provide medical services or medical advice. All information on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical and/or legal advice.

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