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How Do I Tell My Parents That I Am Pregnant?

Telling your parents that you’re pregnant should be a moment full of celebration and excitement. However, if you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, the thought of sharing the news with your parents is likely far from exciting.

This can be a difficult conversation to prepare for, which is why Soundview Pregnancy Services is here to guide you along the way!

Here are 6 tips that will help you prepare to tell your parents about your pregnancy:

1. Confirm Your Pregnancy With an Ultrasound

Prior to telling your parents that you’re expecting, it’s important to confirm your pregnancy with lab-quality pregnancy testing and, more importantly, an ultrasound scan.

An ultrasound scan will tell you and your doctor if the pregnancy is viable, meaning one that can survive outside of the womb, and if there are any health concerns that need to be addressed.

Visit Soundview Pregnancy Services to receive free lab-quality pregnancy testing and an ultrasound scan!

2. Learn About Your Pregnancy Options

Once you confirm you are pregnant, we recommend taking time to learn about the options available to you and the resources you might need along the way.

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, you have three options — parenting, adoption, and abortion. If you’re planning on telling your parents that you are pregnant, you may be leaning towards either parenting or adoption.

  • As you decide what’s best for you, your mind is likely swimming with questions, like…
  • Where can I find affordable pregnancy healthcare?
  • Will I be able to attend school still?
  • How do I learn more about the process of adoption?
  • Where can I learn more about resources for young moms?

One of our Client Care Coordinators, a licensed social worker, here at Soundview Pregnancy Services will help answer any questions you have about your options and point you to the resources in your area that may be helpful to you throughout your pregnancy and beyond.

This information will be important as you discuss your pregnancy with your parents, answer their questions, and address any concerns they might have.

3. Take Time to Consider Your  Emotions and Feelings

As you prepare to tell your parents, friends, and partner about your pregnancy, you’re likely overwhelmed with thoughts of how everyone else will feel. While it’s important to feel supported by those around you, it’s also vital that you take time to decide how you feel about your pregnancy and the options available to you. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Scared? Excited? Ashamed?

Being honest and open about your feelings and fears will provide you with insight as you decide which option is best for you and allow you to seek the help and support you need from those around you.

4. Give Your Parents Time to Process

It’s important to remember that your parents are likely not expecting this news and that it may take time for them to process and respond. While their first response may be emotional and perhaps angry, try to stay level-headed, answer any questions they have, and simply give them time.

As they come to terms with this news and hear from you, they will eventually be able to support you and love you through this.

5. Carefully Select a Time and Place

While it may seem silly to worry about where and when you tell your parents this big news, these details will help create an environment that will allow for a productive conversation.

Instead of telling your parents before you rush out the door or giving them the news in a public place, pick a time and location that will allow you each to express your feelings openly and hear from one another.

If you are worried that either of your parents will respond to your pregnancy in a violent manner, we recommend bringing another trusted adult, like a mentor, teacher, coach, or pastor, for support.

6. Get Help From One of Our Client Care Coordinators

We get it — telling your parents you’re pregnant can feel absolutely overwhelming. Thankfully you’re not alone! Soundview Pregnancy Services is here to help guide you in this process.

Schedule time with one of our Client Care Coordinators to get customized advice on how to share with your parents, as well as information on helpful resources so you can head into this conversation with confidence and peace.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Whether you’re looking for free pregnancy healthcare services, like pregnancy testing and ultrasound scans, or advice from one of our trained professionals, Soundview Pregnancy Services is here to help.

Schedule your appointment today!

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